Glass coverage is a convenient added benefit to an auto insurance policy. This coverage will fix or replace the glass on a vehicle in the event of a chipping or cracking. Glass replacement or repair can often be expensive and time consuming. So the convenience of knowing that the financial burden and time commitment of glass repair can be absorbed by your insurance company is a value added benefit to many.
Glass coverage can be added to any auto policy (in states where applicable) as long as the vehicle covered also carriers comprehensive coverage. Without glass coverage, glass related instances will fall under your comprehensive coverage. Unfortunately this is only useful if your comprehensive deductible is less amount of damage done. If your deductible if higher than the glass repair, you will be left fixing or replacing the glass on your own. Glass coverage does have an additional cost to have it added to the policy, but that cost is far less than paying your deductible or repairing or replacing the glass on your own.
The severity of the damage to the glass is going to depend on how the glass will be fixed or replaced. If there is light damage or a simple rock chip, Allied Insurance will likely send someone out to complete the repair at a location of your choosing. Some minor glass chips can even be repaired for free, without even filing a claim. On the other hand, if the damage is more severe, Allied Insurance would schedule an appointment with a local glass repair shop to have the repair or replacement completed on your behalf. This includes paying the bill!
Glass coverage is a true convenience coverage that allows policy holders rest assured that their vehicle is taken care of when the unexpected occurs.
Give us call or start your Insurance Quote today!
Allied Insurance at The Insurance Loft
1630 Welton St. Ste. 202
Denver, CO 80202
1 (888) 688 1446