There are two primary ways that you can obtain insurance. Contacting an insurance agent or direct through an insurance company over the phone or online. Today, ease of use has become paramount which makes the phone or online services an appealing option. Certain these are the quickest and most convenient option, but it doesn’t always mean they are the best option.
One of the most glaring differences between these two options is the interaction you will experience. When going direct through an insurance company, either by phone or online, you will be working with several service center representatives that are employed by that company. Likely familiarizing themselves with you and your policy for the first time on that phone call. When choosing the agency portal, you have the ability to discuss your insurance options and coverage with one dedicated industry professional who is not employed by an insurance company. Rather, the agents are working for you and there to discuss your specific situation and offer the coverage you need at the best price available.
Convenience is often a rather large concern these days as well. It seems free time has become limited, and often time purchasing insurance directly through an insurance company online is simply quicker. However, it is important not to let the convenience dilute the importance of the product you are buying. At the end of the day you are still purchasing protection for you and your family. If you do not understand every coverage you are selecting, online quoting may not be the best option. In addition, the technology and convenience gap between insurance companies and agencies are slimming. For instance, when getting an online quote from, you have the convenience of getting a quote online or by phone while still being paired with one agent dedicated completely to your insurance needs.
While these differences can be discussed for and endless amount of time, one of the final differences we will discuss is quite important. When dealing with insurance, instances can arise where clients and insurance companies disagree. If you have purchased your insurance policy directly through an insurance company, you really only have the ability to speak to someone who is employed by that company. Unfortunately, this can leave clients with no choice but to simply adhere to any decisions that insurance company makes. However, if you elected a reputable agent to obtain your insurance, you have a trusted source you can look to for assistance. Someone who knows the policy information equally as well as the company and can work on your behalf. Essentially, an agent gives you a teammate to make sure you get all you can from your insurance policy.
So when thinking of how you want to go about purchasing insurance, make sure to consider all options and pick the one that you feel suits you best!
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